Imagining Reality

Blog by: Carl White

Carl White is a professional videographer.

As a film maker, when I imagine a story for a short film, I close my eyes and see things. It12544183_1755026958058422_1975714765_o all starts with an environment and I
can then see things happening. There are colors, objects and people moving and interacting.

When I first tried a modern Virtual Reality headset I was stunned to “see” something very similar to what my imagination would generate. “Eureka!” I thought, “I will make Virtual Reality short films.”

12544028_1755027011391750_1705166606_oFrom then on, I got involved with the Californian VR community searching for ways to produce VR short films. Since I have met lots of amazing like-minded people.

The technology for VR film making is at its infancy and lots of efforts is currently being injected into this field, which is a very good sign.


Today I think that 180 degrees stereoscopic video captures (such as LucidCam) is the most 12528674_1755027044725080_33699877_ocomfortable tech to work with. The result in VR is very immersive, a perfect stepping-stone to get started with VR film making. We are preparing a series of VR short films with this method (see

The future of VR film making is of course photo-real full 3D reconstruction of sets with integrated animated body scans. Can’t wait!

Carl White is a Virtual Reality film maker based in Canada.

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